Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Battle Against the Unseen

Today, I have hit every feeling one can posess. Can guys have mood swings too? Maybe so. I am usually upbeat and full of excitement on Sundays but today was different. I woke up tired and unmotivated. Church this morning was great and encouraging, but then out of nowhere I get what my wife calls "the grumps." I turn into a person nobody seems to like, including myself. I become snippy and sarcastic. I think we prayed at least 4 times today to release the attack of "the grumps". I was woefully behind with my preparations for discipleship night with our students and I felt hurried and inturrupted. A Shift in moods occured again when we went to my neice's 4 yr birthday party. We dressed as characters from the wizard of OZ. What great times with those girls!

Tonight we discussed solitude during discipleship night. We lit candles, turned on worship music, and just got alone with God. God showed up tonight in front of our unusually light crowd. The Lord ministered to my heart. I was getting ready to teach these students about solitude when I haven't had any all day. The Lord spoke through me tonight because in my exhaustion, I just had to release it to Him. I am proud of our students and I am amazed by our God!

But the night was not over. The enemy must know that we are taking territory from him because he has been speaking lies and attacking us from every angle. We are truly fighting a battle with the forces of the unseen. I thank the Lord for my amazing wife. She can speak truth to me, help me claim God's promises, and praise the Lord with me like no other. I am resting in God's grace tonight. Pray for our Students and the ministry at Legacy. May God be glorified above all!

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