Friday, October 10, 2008

Black Thursday

It has been a tough few days. We thought Zachary was going to pull out of his injuries and make his way on the road to recovery. We found out that he passed away yesterday. His funeral will be tomorrow. The youth at the church have been pretty broken up about losing their friend. I am too. I have been praying so hard for Zachary lately that I have just taken a spirit of frustration over the loss. The Lord opened my eyes to a passage of scripture in 2 Samuel yesterday that was a real encouragement to me. David was told by the prophet Nathan that because of his sin, his child would die. David prayed, fasted, and mourned for 7 days that the child would be spared. The Lord chose to allow the child to die and David washed himself and praised the Lord for his goodness.

I dont understand the things the Lord does at times, but He is good. Just like David I will praise Him regardless of His decision.

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