Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Ordinary

This day, like most others, started off the same way; ordinary.  Of course, my agenda today has different items and the challenges and vary slightly from days past, but ultimatly I woke up with an expectation and an idea on how this day will generally look.  Of course, that is not uncommon.  But this morning I was struck with a thought...what if today is different, you know, not ordinary.  I need you to think past trite differences in the oridinary and think, paradigm shift.
I found myself relating to Zachariah in an unusual way.  Zachariah was a priest in Israel and they had all gathered to attend what we would consider today a church service.  Zachariah was chosen at random to pass out the communion trays..uh..I mean burn incense in the temple.  It is sortof like that moment when you get caught off guard when the Bible study finishes and the leader says "brother Chris, will you pray for us to close?" Of course you don't mind...but you just werent expecting it.
Well, Zachariah, I assume, was feeling the same way when he was selected for Church duty and as the congregation waited for his return, the ordinary ritual of worship somehow turn extra-ordinary.  An angel of the Lord was waiting on Zachariah to enter...can you imagine the surprise he had when Zachariah walked in expecting to complete a normal ritual and was confronted with the angel Gabriel?  (If you are keeping score, this is surprise #2 already)  Gabriel then goes on to tell Zachariah that he is going to have a son even though he and his wife are old (Surprise #3) This son, they would have, would be "great in the sight of the Lord".  Of course that is any dad's dream. Zachariah, dumbfounded, then questions Gabriel and was struck with the inability to speak (Surprise #4).  Zachariah day had gone from ordinary to paradigm shifting.
If you remember, I said that today I found myself relating in a way with Zachariah.  For instance Zachariah was a priest and his daily duty was to do preistly (church) rituals.  Like Zachariah, I can go about ministry without recognizing where God might be moving when in reality, we should never be caught off-guard when God shows up in our life.  Secondly, I began to remember my constant prayers for my daughter and baby to come.  My prayers that they would be a joy to us and that they would bless others with thier presence.  My prayers that they would crave the Lord and seek Him always, that they would be mighty warriors in the advancement of His kingdom on earth.  I began to image what it would be like for Gabriel to say to me "Your wife will give you a son/daughter, and you are to give him the name ______. He will be a delight to you and many will rejoice because of his birth, for he will be great in the sight of the Lord.  and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even from birth.  Many of God's people will he bring back to the Lord their God.  And he will go before the Lord, in the spirit and the power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobediant to the wisdom of the righteous - to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." -Luke 1:13-17 (with additions) God I pray that you bless my children in this way!
This morning, I have set my heart and mind to expect the unexpected.  To realize that the Extra-ordinary is closer than we may ever realize.  To become a person that is ready to move when the Lord says "go".  To live with a stiff-arm to 'the ordinary'  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this... You are really atalented writer and it really spoke to me today!