Friday, December 18, 2009

The FULL Armor

Have you ever thought that you were made for something greater than this? Maybe we have suppressed the heart of a hero for so long under our guise of responsibilities, job titles, PTA meetings, and our TV vegetation times that we have forgotton who we really are... warriors.

Christians, peel back the clouds of the seen and discover that a war wages on for our life. Is the enemy winning? Has the enemy neutered your effectiveness as a Christian. Brother, sister take up your armor again! Heed the call in Ephesians 6.

Use the belt of truth to stand firm when you can no longer stand on your own. Cover your heart with the breastplate of Righteousness that associates you as the King's own. Make sure your feet are fitted with readiness, eager to go, eager to respond. The gospel of Peace ensures our readiness because we will know the directions from the father if we are quiet and aware.

Do not be caught off-guard by the flaming arrows of the enemy, but use your shield of faith to thwart the attack. Place on your head the helmet of salvation, the mark of those redeemed from death to battle alongside God's elect.

And finally, DONT BE PASSIVE! Our job is not to just fend off the evil one. FIGHT BACK. The Lord has given us the Spirit as his sword to be used to take ground. "Pray in the Spirit on all occasions and with all kinds of prayers and requests" v.18

Put on the FULL armor. Not just the convienient peices or you will be vulnerable to attack. Your heart was created with the very fabric of a warrior. Do not rest until the glorification of our Father in heaven. Perservere till death, but take heart, Jesus has overcome the world.